Dry Sauna Vs Wet Sauna Comparisons

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If you are thinking about adding a sauna to your home, there are a few things you need to take into account before starting on the project. To begin with, you need to decide what type of sauna room you want to install. There are basically two main categories of saunas: dry saunas and wet saunas. Each type works differently and has a range of varying benefits, so it’s important to know dry sauna vs wet sauna comparisons before selecting a model for your property.


Dry Sauna Vs. Wet Sauna

A traditional sauna that has a wood-burning stove, or a modern electric stove, can be set up as a dry or wet sauna. The difference depends on the humidity levels and temperature inside.

wet sauna vs dry sauna

Wet saunas are often referred to as steam saunas. The majority of saunas have volcanic rocks and a heater, which is used to heat the rocks to high temperatures.

To convert a dry sauna into a wet sauna, all you need to do is splash some water over the volcanic rocks to increase the humidity levels inside. As the rocks are extremely hot, the water vaporizes almost instantly to produce steam. In the case of a dry sauna, no water is splashed onto the heated rocks.

When you are inside of a wet sauna, your body starts sweating, which releases lots of toxins from your system. Many people like to visit the sauna to help them cure a hangover, but there are no scientific studies to support that claim. Lots of individuals also believe that using such a sauna on a frequent basis can significantly decrease the chances of many illnesses, as many viruses are killed by high temperatures.

dry sauna vs wet sauna

Meanwhile, dry saunas are thought to reduce stress levels, relieve muscle tension, stimulate blood circulation and promote skin rejuvenation through perspiration. Like in a wet sauna, when inside a dry sauna your body will start to sweat, ensuring you get the same benefits of toxin expulsion.

The high temperature inside a dry sauna is more tolerable as the humidity levels are lower, but the effect of the heat on the body is better, as it is penetrating the body directly.

Since the body still perspires, the body is cooled and toxins are released from the body. It is thought that sweating in a dry sauna is more effective for toxin expulsion as the dry heat causes the process to occur more quickly. Furthermore, as the heat is more tolerable, it’s easier to stay inside the sauna for longer and reap the sauna enhanced benefits of longer sessions.


Final Verdict

Regardless of whether you opt for a wet or dry model, you need to ensure you understand the risk and advantages associated with owning a home sauna. It is crucial that you follow usage directions carefully and consult with a doctor if you have any preexisting medical conditions which could make using a home sauna dangerous. As long as you use your home sauna responsibly, there are lots of health benefits to be gained whether you invest in a wet sauna or a dry sauna.